Thursday 9 April 2015

Stress Busters

A few years ago, not a lot of people were aware of stress. It was something to be scared of. Now, every single person says ‘I am stressed’. Even the children are stressed. Instead of going out and having fun, these kids nowadays are stressed by a lot of things.

To relieve oneself off stress, the most prescribed medication is Yoga and meditation. Spiritual or chemical medication will help one to relieve stress. But it will not be wholesome without the proper dietary intake. Here are some nature’s best stress busters.


Omega-3-fatty acids are essential to keep the stress level in check, and also helps you against depression. These can be obtained by taking up an omega-3 pill. But when you have a better and tasty way of getting those required omega-3 FA, why would you need a pill? Eat fish twice a week or have a handful of walnut every day. 

Dark Chocolate
The stress relieving property of chocolates goes beyond the taste buds. It is proven that those who have had chocolates for more than ten years have lower blood pressure than those who did not. Remember not to overeat these tasty dark chocolates. It is not very good for health if ate in lots. 

Black Tea
Drinking black tea helps you to recover from terrible nerve-racking events quickly. People who drank four cups of black tea for six weeks said that they feel more relaxed even after stressful tasks. Black tea also have mood boosting effects and it also increases our alertness throughout the day.


This fruit is not only delicious, but also nutritious. It contains two powerful stress fighters: Potassium and monounsaturated fatty acids. They lower blood pressure and protects against depression. Include these healthy food in your everyday diet. You will feel rejuvenated and relaxed.

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