Sunday 26 April 2015

An inevitable change in every one’s life

We would be so comfortable in everything we do and the things around us. Yet, there would be times when we have to deal with the changes in our lives. These changes could be anything, a new job, a new place to live, or even getting married. Marriage is the start of a new life for a girl. She has to leave her family behind and go live with a guy. It’s not just living with some person, marriage also brings in a lot of responsibility. The freedom the girl had living with her parents is sort of missing when she is married.
We can argue that the husband and his family is super cool and they don’t refrain her from doing all crazy stuff she has been doing. But deep down, as a girl, you will realise that a marriage changes a lot. You can still do everything you have been doing, but you have an added responsibility of a family. For a girl, marriage means a new life. She would enter the stage of motherhood. Both physically and psychologically the changes affect the girl. Most of us are excited about the new prospects. While some are wary and do not want to get married at all.
The change is more apparent if it is an arranged marriage. For a love marriage, the girl knows the guy, he knows the girl. They have been together for quite some time to know each other’s peculiarities. And they are compatible enough to wanting to get married and spend the rest of their lives together. In that case, the girl only has to get used to the new family. But in an arranged marriage, the girl and the guy have no clue about what the other person is going to be. It is both scary and exciting. Exciting because you will get to know a new person and the prospect of living together gives a different feeling. And scary because what if he turns out to be not so good a guy and all the responsibilities one has to go through after the marriage.
In our country, arranged marriages are more prevalent than the love marriages. Even the arranged marriages has seen a lot of change. Earlier, during our parents’ time, they just see the girl or the guy once and their parents would fix everything. But now, the young adults are more dominating and demanding and we need to have the power to decide who we want and who we don’t. Now it is not just a process that everyone has to go through out of societal pressure. It has transformed into a journey in itself. The prospective bride and groom meet and talk with each other. They try to understand themselves and they fall in love.

This change is inevitable in every one’s life. It will be better if we like the journey and live it, rather than sulking over what is not and what it might have been. 

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