Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Being together

Technology has changed a lot in our lives. The way we live, the way we communicate and the way we celebrate and enjoy together. I remember my childhood days where we spent most of the times playing outside with a lot of friends. Today, the children spend most of their time playing in ipads and smart phones. They don’t understand the meaning of being together.
Even as adults, we don’t spend much time with friends and families. I have experienced it so many times with my gang of friends. We will go out for lunch or dinner and after 10, 15 minutes of talking with each other, everyone will take their smart phones out and start texting someone else or check their facebook and instagram accounts. There is no quality time being spent by anyone nowadays. Very rarely people detach themselves from the smart phones and internet and spend time with fellow human beings.
Though there are a lot of advantages of the smart phones and internet, there is equal amount of disadvantages. We cant imagine living a day in our lives without internet or google, the same internet detaches us from our close friends, family and colleagues. A lot of activities are being undertaken by a lot of companies and they all aim to develop the sense of belonging and live a day without technology.
Another end of this spectrum is the damage we cause to ourselves and future generations with the use of technology. We not only destroy the relationships and the feeling of belongingness and togetherness, we have also started destroying the nature around us. Preserving nature and our surroundings is one way to actually be together and do good for the society and us.
Planting trees in the society, cleaning the garbage from the street or locality you live in achieves both the objectives of being together, teamwork and also protect and save the environment. Nature has provided us all with abundant resources. The slightest gratitude we can show towards nature is by protecting our environment.
If we try to achieve this alone, the probability of achieving and attaining success is very less. A collective mind is always better than an individual one. This collective thinking is what made the human race as it is today. This is the only reason we are better than the animals and other organisms. We have to utilise this ability we have and use it for a greater good. With the use of technology, we can be together and do something together. It gives us a sense of responsibility and satisfaction that one cannot achieve with the use of smartphones and trying to make a change in the world. Being together is good for us and also for the world! Embrace the freedom of being together! 
